Sunday, August 31, 2014

Rearranging Deck Chairs in France -

Seems like good advice. And in the other direction?

The Changing Face of Temporary Employment -

Somewhat the same in France. Details?

Paris tragedy: At least 2 dead following explosion at four-story apartment building - NY Daily News

How often do we see these kinds of tragedies in the US?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Friday, August 29, 2014

Lignes d'azur - Horaires Hiver 2014

Compare with Chapel Hill.

Evictions Soar in Hot Market; Renters Suffer -

Contrast with France.

The Fall of France -

What's not here about France is what's more important.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New French Cabinet Sheds Critics and Leaves Austerity Policies in Place -

Not encouraging.

French unemployment hits new high | The Australian

So French unemployment will come in at something over 10.1%. It's pretty sobering to see how many countries have rates so much higher.
Great chance to compare film festivals in the US and France, especially of French and US films in the opposite directions.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Consider these two cases of air rage - pretty scary situation in both. In the US. En route to Nice from Morocco.

Harried Travelers Take the Bus -

Compare with France.

French Economy Minister, Arnaud Montebourg, Was Often Out of Step With President -

Such a curious story.

Les voisins - Vie pratique - Télématin - France 2

Compare France and US.

Wheelchair Diaries: One Step Up (2013) - IMDb

Comparing the US with France.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Jusqu'à 100.000 décès dus à l'amiante en France d'ici à 2050

So sad. Compared to the US?

France's Troubled Liberation -

History is so challenging and hard, often, to accept.

Hollande à 17% de popularité, Valls perd 9 points (36%), selon l'Ifop | Dernière minute | Nice-Matin


Saturday, August 23, 2014

Association de consommateurs - UFC Que Choisir

Compare with Consumers Union.

Réforme des professions réglementées: les pharmaciens contre-attaquent

Compare with US.

Le vélo électrique connaît un boom en Europe

Great comparison opportunity.

Two Countries, Two Vastly Different Phone Bills -

Compare with France.

Blood Industry Shrinks as Transfusions Decline -

Compared with France?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Exploring a World War I Battlefield 100 Years Later -

So many more of these stories to be told.

Socialisme : la moitié des Français ne payent pas d'impôts |

Here it is; how does this compare with the US?

Pour plus d'un tiers des Français, la note fiscale va grimper cette année

Is it so that roughly only one-half of French are subject to income taxes? How does that work? Clarify. Imposable is the key word and I need to make sure its meaning is clear.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Whitehall at the Villa Antiques

Heard on WUNC that they are supposed to have new shipment of antiques from France?

villes populaires les francais san francisco - Google Search

San Francisco mentioned tonight on 20h France2 as most popular destination for French.

100 Years of Gratitude -

What a story.

France Acknowledges Economic Malaise, Blaming Austerity -

How to make this work?

Demander un vélo de fonction à votre patron, c’est tendance !

Compared with US?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

In Berlin, Uber Has Yet to Earn Its Umlaut -

Comparing US and France?

Country Music Moves Beyond Nashville -

Wonderful France-US comparison opportunity!

Alain Juppé, Ex-Premier of France, Seeks Party’s Nomination for President -

He could be a formidable candidate.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Saudi Is Robbed in Paris, Quickly and Efficiently -

France has seen so many of these.

Ambivalence About America -

He says it just right.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Friday, August 15, 2014

In France, Ferguson protests stir memories of suburban riots | Public Radio International

Much more to be written on this subject.

Toulouse-Lautrec’s Groundbreaking Prints at MoMA -

And the reciprocal view of New York?

How the Power of Suggestion Can Slow Speeding Drivers -

Tremendous opportunity to compare and contrast with France.

First World War inspired innovative art | World War I

Are we focused on this enough from both sides of the Atlantic?

Thursday, August 14, 2014

To Unburden Bridge, Paris Discourages Love Locks : NPR

What an aberration.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Getting fired

20 minutes - Y a-t-il des passagers dans le train pendu dans le vide? - Suisse

Speaking of trains....

Making the Case for High-Speed Rail -

We need a solid piece analyzing trains and use in France and the US.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Justice Express - Accueil

Compare with US.

Do you speak touriste ? - Mieux connaître sa clientèle touristique étrangère à Paris

US version for French?

D'où viennent les touristes étrangers en vacances en France?

In the other direction?

Monday, August 11, 2014

La France championne du monde du tourisme

"La France toujours au sommet. L'Hexagone est restée l'an dernier le pays le plus visité au monde, avec 84,7 millions d'arrivées de touristes étrangers, selon une étude de la Direction générale de la compétitivité de l'industrie et des services (DGCIS) diffusée lundi."

French Heritage Society

Might be valuable.

Albany Doubling Down as Casino Boom Fades -

Compared with France?

OECD Better Life Index


OECD Better Life Index


What Makes A Nation Happy? : NPR

Great France-US opportunity! Interesting comment about the French being "grumpy".

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Oversize Expectations for the Airbus A380 -

US and French versions of the future of air travel. No mention of the new A350. Odd.

Irak : Hollande a promis à Obama de soutenir l'effort humanitaire - - International

On verra.

Friday, August 08, 2014

Thursday, August 07, 2014

70e du Débarquement en Provence: toutes les cérémonies dans le Var | Dernière minute | Nice-Matin

A lot of France and the US wrapped up in this.

$11 Billion Later, High-Speed Rail Is Inching Along -

Compared with France?

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Monday, August 04, 2014

Les paradoxes de la syndicalisation en France

A great France v. US opportunity to learn.

"Les Américains veulent reprendre pied sur le continent" africain

A little competition perceived, I sense.

Affordable Housing Draws Middle Class to Inland Cities -

Compared with France?

Back From Paris, With Beauty Trophies in Tow -

There is a difference!

Immobilier : la demande de logements baisse

A huge problem in both countries.

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Après un record de 1.000 km de bouchons, le grand chassé croisé touche à sa fin | Dernière minute | Nice-Matin

The whole transport network appears increasingly unsustainable.