Wednesday, January 29, 2014

En trente ans, la France a-t-elle beaucoup changé ?

Compared with the US?

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A friend of François Hollande says he wanted a 'Chinese Wall' between his public and private life | Public Radio International

It really is quite a story.

Daft Punk does something no other French music group has | Public Radio International

It's all a bit odd.

France v. Turkey

President HOLLANDE goes to Turkey and television reports only what he says about France and NOTHING on Turkey! Granted, bad employment news trumps Turkish visit, but 100%?

Gas and garbage

Why is it that we get garbage picked up 6 nights/week but they only come once or twice a year to read the gas meter?

How the French View Life as a Couple -

We need to understand this better.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Une tendance qui monte : louer sa voiture pour amortir les frais

How is this working out in the US v. France?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Friday, January 24, 2014

Deciphering the Quenelle -

Useful, but I am not sure I would say that I agree.

French Couples -

Even in English, the words are misunderstood.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Mon Cher Maître - La polémique - YouTube

I wonder if we have any lawyers in the US doing web series? This lawyer is from Nice.

Chiffres de la délinquance 2013 : cambriolages en hausse en replay - 23 janvier 2014

Big concern here in France.

At Resting Place for France’s ‘Great Men,’ Calls to Include More Women -

Symbolic, but important.

Le passé trop protégé

Loic LeMUR was on Telematin this morning from Davos talking about France, Silicon Valley and how France can be more successful in this arena. I thought that he captured by own sense of the problem when he said that France was too protective of the past. He gave an example in Uber and the fight with Paris taxis. France is too protective of the past/existing taxi system and should be more flexible and accepting of change. The same applies to the digital world, he said.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

France’s Wandering Scapegoats -

Brings great shame to France.

Economie numérique: la France peut mieux faire

US is 5th, France 19th.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Patrick Allemand présente "Un autre avenir pour Nice", une liste de large ouverture - France 3 Côte d’Azur

There seems to be a big difference between the diversity of this group and the one shown on France2 last evening with the debut of the new RUQUIER program at 18h30. The latter really looked diverse in all respects; ALLEMAND's group somehow does not look quite so inclusive, but one would really have to look at both pictures side-by-side. A faire.....

Hollande’s Romances Turn Into a Political Spectacle in France -

The story never stops.

ENVOI COLIS : suivi colis, devis transporteur, tarifs colis, livraison | Envoi Moins Cher

U.S. version of this?

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Unbearable Lightness of Hollande -

C'est ca.

The Global Retail e-mpire | OC&C

France a big part of this.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Boston students take on the French consulate over its warning to avoid their neighborhood | Public Radio International

We need to look at how it works in the other direction.

Le «Made In France» se décline en magazine - Offremedia

Cannot find a website for Made in France magazine yet they seem to have a new issue out (their fourth, I think the guest said0, having seen a representative on French TV talking about it.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Emails Raising Questions About the Polanski Case -

The whole matter has a bad smell to it.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hollande - Gayet : «Le président est mal protégé», selon le photographe de Closer


Paris Cabbies Slash Tires, Smash Windshields in Protest Against Uber - Businessweek

Pas bon.

Committee Roster

Any of these lawyers?


Were they involved in the Hopi case in France?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Hollande/Gayet: 'tourner la page' (Royal)

Well said!

Thursday, January 09, 2014

Normandie : chez un fabriquant de girouettes en replay - 9 janvier 2014

How many people do we have in the US custom-making weather vanes these days, at last count?

La Verrerie de Biot, 2e entreprise la plus visitée de France | Antibes | Nice-Matin

What are top two in the US?

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Jean-Paul Viguier Architecture . Accueil


Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Goodyear Managers Held by French Workers Then Released -

That's one approach.

Fall of France II: How a Cockerel Nation Became an Ostrich

Too much.

Newsweek sur "la France qui chute": la presse hexagonale répond


Achat sur le meuble et l’aménagement durable de la maison | Camif

Television commercials claim all made in France.

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Chute record du moral des Français en 2013

Compared to US?

Demander Un Devis - Page d'accueil - Homepage

US version of this?

Saturday, January 04, 2014

Dossier médical personnel : un demi milliard pour presque rien

Why is this so hard to do both in France and in the US?

Procédure Judiciaire Simplifiée : Saisissez le tribunal en Ligne avec Demander Justice

Pretty interesting. This has been in operation for several years, apparently.


The Band-Aid of France?

Friday, January 03, 2014

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Concern Over ‘Quenelle’ Gesture Grows in France -

There are differences.

House Hunting Near ... Mont Blanc -

Pourquoi pas?