Thursday, January 31, 2013


This provides a great juxtaposition of the national news priorities in France v. the US with France2 at 6 and NBC at 6:30, for example. 

Castellane | Secte du Mandarom : la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme condamne la France | La Provence

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

French Automakers’ Biggest Problem? French Consumers -

And in the US?

With Timbuktu Retaken, France Signals It Plans to Pull Back in Mali -

I wonder what a detailed comparison would look like between recent extra-territorial military activities of France and the US?

Appeals Court Suspends Peugeot's Job-Cut Plan -

The entire car sector is another area from which we could learn so much from a thorough comparison.

French Central Bank Workers Strike Over Job Cut Plans -

What a great opportunity to compare a piece of France with a piece of the US!

Le Figaro - Conjoncture : Le débat sur « la faillite » de la France relancé

Both France and the US need a way for ordinary citizens, even of the reasonably intelligent sort, to be able to really understand issues like this. It should not be left for so much variation and uncertainty. Reasonable judgment is needed in order to promote some core understanding, in my view.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Monday, January 07, 2013

Metropolitan Diary: For New York, From Paris, With Love -

Info France et actualité France - Actualités et infos - TF1 News

Interesting piece here tonight on how many French are using the web as a means to carry out person-to-person transactions directly for everything from food to lodging.

Ant Study Deepens Concern About Plastic Additives -

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Casey B. Mulligan: Why 49 Is a Magic Number -

L'aéroport de Nice franchit le cap historique des 11 millions de passagers en 2012 | Nice-Matin

So the rough comparison is that RDU in NC and Nice Airport in France see about (ballpark) the same number of passengers every year. Nice is above 11,000,000 for 2012, an 8% increase. For RDU, the last year of complete numbers is 2011 with about 9,200,000, as reported here.The numbers posted for 2012 so far suggest no huge change in this. To be more specific, Nice seems to be about 15% higher than RDU.

France's Less Joyous New Year's Tradition -